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London for Ceremonial
The Guards’ Chapel

The Guards’ Chapel


Sunday 5th January 2025

The Epiphany 

1100 - Holy Communion

The Chaplain 

The Band of The Royal Yeomanry (Inns of Court & City Yeomanry)


Tuesday 7th January

1830 - The Upper Voices of the Guards’ Chapel Choir 

Britten’s Ceremony of Carols


Thursday 9th January

1830 - The Guards’ Chapel Organ Recital Series

Martin Ford The Guards’ Chapel


Sunday 12th January

The First Sunday after The Epiphany

1100 - Choral Matins

The Chaplain 

The Countess of Wessex’s String Orchestra


Sunday 19th January

The Second Sunday after The Epiphany

1100 - Holy Communion

The Reverend David Brownridge CF Chaplain 

1st Battalion Welsh Guards 

The Band of The Royal Yeomanry (Inns of Court & City Yeomanry)


Sunday 26th January

The Third Sunday after The Epiphany 

1100 - Choral Matins 

The Reverend Richard Carter CF, Chaplain 

1st Battalion Irish Guards

The Countess of Wessex’s String Orchestra


Tuesday 28th January

1310 - Guards’ Recital Series

Performed by Musicians from The Household Division 


  If you would like to support the work of the Guards’ Chapel and its Choir,


to 70450 to donate £5, £10 or £20 via ‘donr’.

Please use the Gift Aid option if you are a UK tax payer.


For further details or

information about any of our services,

please contact

The Senior Chaplain’s Office

on 020 7414 3229







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